
Committees are great ways for members to get involved with the community. It’s a great way to serve the community with their expertise. We rely on our committees to be a branch into the various aspects of our organization, allowing us to accomplish more, represent more and champion for more. Committees are the lifeblood of our organization because of how much value we place on every member’s commitment to our work. The feedback, brainstorming and solutions that are devised as a result of this only enrich what we do to a higher degree. The health and robust state of our committees is a direct reflection of the health and robustness of the organization itself. Together, we make great things happen!

Transportation & Logistics

The Transportation and Logistics Committee (TLC) is a reflection of the preeminence of the sector in Georgia’s economy. The TLC is made up of African American entrepreneurs at various stages, some just beginning and others thriving as leaders. There are also a host of professionals who are in service to the T&L industry like insurance, accounting, and industrial real estate advisors.

Marketing, Communications & Technology

MCAT is the Marketing, Communications, Advertising, and Tech Committee of the Atlanta Black Chambers. We bring together the best of Atlanta's creative and tech minds.  The committee represents 15% of Atlanta Black Chambers outstanding and continually growing membership. 

Financial Services

The Financial Services Committee purpose is to provide financial professionals a platform to help grow their businesses by presenting opportunities that allow them to share their business with Chamber members and non members.

Global Opportunities

The Global Opportunities Committee’s (GOC) mission is to provide practical and useful information, education and access to opportunities around the world for our members through global trade, investments and partnerships.

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Education & Workforce Development

The ABC's Education & Workforce Development committee's mission is to produce and deliver programming that supports the critical staffing needs of ABC businesses and the broader community. More importantly, this ABC committee focuses on ABC business readiness. 

Real Estate & Professional Services

RPS (Real Estate & Professional Services Committee) focuses on educating our community on the different aspects of real estate. We concentrate on educating the impact real estate has locally nationally and globally. Our four pillars are education, market technology, collaboration & events! We are here to serve and support the Atlanta black Chambers

Training & Professional Development

The ABC's Training & Professional Development Committee is charged with planning, developing, and delivering informative virtual and in-person sessions. The mission of the TPD committee is to enhance the skills, knowledge, and performance of every ABC member and the broader community. The TPD is here to help you meet your professional development needs and goals.

Political Science

Governmental Affairs

The Governmental Affairs Committee brings awareness around Executive, Legislative, and Judicial activities to the ABC community. . The government affairs role is to be narrowly focused on legislative and regulatory issues. They lead business initiatives related particularly to small black owners and they may write and champion legislation with key elected officials

Community Services

The Community Services Committee is the public service arm of The Atlanta Black Chambers. Our purpose is to empower and deploy businesses that serve the community's civic education and common development. Our mission is to expose these businesses to the community.


The ABC's membership committee has a mission to enhance the overall ABC experience. This is done by reaching out to existing members to ensure they are aware of particular events and activities that fit their interests and business objectives. 

Health & Wellness

The Health & Wellness Committee of the Atlanta Black Chambers brings together the best entrepreneurs and professionals in the health & wellness space from all over the world. We are Medical Doctors, Licensed Therapist, Personal Trainers, Nutritionist and so much more. Our mission is to educate and inform the Black Community on the critical health concerns that exist in our community.

Arts & Entertainment

The Arts and Entertainment Committee is a proactive force of the Black Artist and Entertainment Community in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Our focus is on creating opportunities for creatives, artists, athletes, and entertainers and developing these entities to operate as sustainable businesses. We are committed to connecting creative industry professionals to the
artist community.

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