Atlanta Black Chambers Leadership

Nyala Allen
Veteran Entrepreneurs Group
CEO, Ace Veteran Realty
Empowers, educates, and encourages generational wealth through residential real estate and beyond.
A veteran of the United States Army understands the challenges of selling your existing home and relocating with the intent to purchase again. Takes pride as a REALTOR® who navigates the complexities of the current real estate market and facilitates the most effortless transition for clients.
Fun facts about her.
She does things that are fun and inspirational like traveling, working out, and connecting with my tribe of like-minded community!
What is her role within the Atlanta Black Chambers, and what led her to become involved in this organization?
Veteran Advocacy comes naturally to her! The consistency, content, information, and network are the main reasons that led her to serve as an Atlanta Black Chambers (ABC) general and executive leadership team member. Being a Veteran Entrepreneur leader is a natural fit for her because her parents are military veterans and she is an Army Veteran Entrepreneur, who desires to see all business owners succeed.
How does her mission align with the Atlanta Black Chambers works to support Black-owned businesses in the Atlanta area?
The Veteran Entrepreneurs Group aims to advance ABC’c long-term brand through networking, ongoing education, professional development, fundraising, and community service.
Our Group Mission Statement: To facilitate training and outreach to aspiring
emerging and established veteran-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
What are some of the key challenges facing Black-owned businesses in the current economic and social climate, and as an exemplary leader of the Atlanta Black Chambers, how she addresses these challenges?
Some key challenges Black-owned businesses face in the current economic and social climate are lack of capital education, access, and business acumen. As an Atlanta Black Chambers executive leadership team member, I work with our team on ways to educate, connect, and increase capital awareness and access through membership engagement, surveys, and introductions to certification
Her three success stories or achievements via her contributions to the Atlanta Black Chambers.
We facilitate training and conduct seminars, workshops, and collaborative events that enable Veteran Entrepreneurs the opportunity to obtain a Service Disabled Veteran Owned (SDVOSB) or Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) certification and to increase the ability to acquire government contracting.
Our outreach includes the safety, protection, and weapon familiarization for women and the community at large. We actively connect, promote, and highlight veteran-owned businesses and their owners in marketing and networking efforts to increase business and revenue opportunities.
What are her goals for the future of the Atlanta Black Chambers, and how does she envision the organization evolving to meet the needs of its members and the wider community?
The 5 ways that the success of the Veteran Entrepreneurs Group is tracked include:
1. Tracking the number of veterans served
2. Success Rates of Veteran-Owned Businesses (Start-up, Growth, and Expansion)
3. Veteran Feedback
4. Cost-effectiveness
5. Partnerships and collaboration
Life’s Motto / Powerful Quote.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. – Late, Dr. Maya Angelou