Members of our ABC leadership were recently featured in an article on Executive Director, Melvin Coleman, President Emeritus Michael Hill, and VP of Marketing and Communication Miguel Lloyd were interviewed by Madison Gray of Please find a link to...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Join The United States 2020 Senate Forum The Atlanta Black Chambers Keeps the Community Informed May 7, 2020 | Atlanta, GA ABOUT THE UNITED STATES 2020 SENATE FORUM There is a dire need to equip voters with vital knowledge to enable them to make...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Atlanta Black Chambers to Launch New “True Focus” Podcast featuring content to Empower Atlanta Entrepreneurs Atlanta, Georgia – Wednesday, January 29, 2020 The Atlanta Black Chambers has made a commitment to the Atlanta entrepreneurial...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Atlanta Black Chambers February First Friday Features a conversation with Atlanta Metro Law Enforcement and Government leadership Atlanta, Georgia – Thursday, January 23, 2020 The Atlanta Black Chambers will host its monthly First Friday...
Press Release: BrandTech helps entrepreneurs with two of their biggest struggles: branding and technology. March 7, 2019 | Atlanta, GA ABOUT BRANDTECH DAY The very definition of an entrepreneur means you’re about to attempt to wear many hats that you were never...
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